Hello Community, as many of you already know, we have had to delay the launch of our V1, the main reason for this has been the large increase in users in recent weeks, in addition to the DDOS attacks that we have received, which has forced us to make updates that were not planned in the short term, such as updating and launching a new server. In the short term, we have updated the current one to improve the use and allow us to continue with the organic growth of users.
We have done everything we could to arrive on time and fulfill our roadmap, which although it was originally intended only for IDEX, we have assumed Uniswap’s part in it as well.
Unfortunately, this has not been possible, but we will continue to try and work full time to do so as soon as possible.
Technically, we are working on many important things, and we have advanced on many fronts, but many of them need to be tested before deployment. We are committed to offering a web application that is as usable as possible, in particular, that is light and fast, for this we are moving most of the data processing from the application to our servers, making it consume less resources from the mobiles and PCs of our users.
We also avoid the direct use of third party APIs directly from the web application (from the browser), because this means a very high data consumption and degrades the performance of the browsers the longer the application is used.
We are building a scalable cloud technology infrastructure that transparently supports any sustained increase in our users or temporary peaks while allowing us to process and store huge amounts of data in real-time and deliver it with the lowest latency both to our application and to third parties through our future API.
These are the upcoming features in which we are working and it will be included in V1:
Redesign of the user system, that won’t require email to login, it will work with multi-wallet support, including trustwallet, coinbase wallet, and many more.
Deploy of the new DEXTools Core + Transactions algorithm with the new server.
- Complete trade history for most pairs.
- DEXT Score update and fix.
- Wallet info.
- New uniswap pool explorer update.
- Redesign of the DEXTboard.
- Minor fixes reported by the community.
- Release of the Telegram Private group for holders. (ASAP)
For all that things, and we want to be conservative, we estimated a Max-time of 2 weeks but every step will be released as soon as possible, the new core will be released very soon, and the following releases will come one by one in the next days.
We want to thank the support of the community and your understanding of the situation, we are working hard to continue giving you the best possible service and continue to improve the app for you. Thank you very much.