DEXTools User System Update

2 min readAug 30, 2020


Hi, DEXTools community, we want to share with you the new subscription system that will be effective from DEXTools V1, we have introduced some changes to make the app accessible to everyone while rewarding our holders and early adopters.

We tried to make the system as simple as possible so we will only have 3 Tiers:

TIER 1 — Free version: it will continue the same as now in BETA, Uniswap features with limited use, delayed chart, no favorites, and less tx info. We can decide to improve features when other tiers become better.

TIER 2 — Basic Version: access through subscription with an average price of 0.3 ETH paid in DEXT Monthly. Holders with more than 5000 DEXT will receive a 50% Discount in the fees. As you know 10% of the fees received will be burned forever.

TIER 3 — Premium Version: Holding 100k DEXT will grant you access to the premium version, with all features of the App and free access for life while holding.

*All the prices and amounts before can change due token price grow or burn features.

DEXTools User system


Soon we will be launching our Dashboard with Real-time data from the app and Sponsored Projects, Sponsored projects will pay a fee in their own token to appear in there, to reward our holders, We will share 50% of that fees to all holders with at least 100k DEXT, So, Premium members, be ready for weekly airdrops while holding DEXT and enjoy your gains.




Written by DEXTools

DEXTools is the industry standard and central hub for DeFi traders everywhere. We commit ourselves to relentless innovation and improvement of our Trading App.

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